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Watercolor of Hummel Street, Harrisburg, PA for the Brethren Housing Association Annual Report Cover

Under the

Same Sky


July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024


What a phenomenal year! 

If I had to choose one word to encapsulate this previous fiscal year, it would have to be TRANSITION. Transitions is not just the name of the most robust housing program we offer. It has truly been a word that embodies the headway of the last year. As we know, movement is not always progress. But the trajectory of this organization has absolutely been upward and onward; both for the families we serve as well as those of us who serve them.


We have seen 13 families graduate from the Transitions Program; an additional family added to the Permanently Affordable Housing Program; 65% of all exiting families move to permanent housing solutions; and team members successfully take on new personal and professional endeavors. 

Coming into a well-established organization can be a big change for everyone. It has been an honor to be able to walk in and focus on maintaining all that is good and right in BHA. I have benefitted from the vision of the founders, guidance of the Board, and best practices and support of the staff. I can truly say that I was warmly received into the Executive Director role and given encouragement to continue the incredible work of BHA, providing housing and hope to single parent families experiencing homelessness. 

The gift of hope changes you. We cannot behave beyond what we believe. Although we serve individuals facing significant barriers, the stability, resources, and audacity to dream beyond current circumstances have led to participants achieving things they didn’t previously feel was possible. That is due in large part to your support.


Without the generous assistance and impactful collaboration of our community, we wouldn’t be able to celebrate 35 illustrious years and look forward to many more. 

I am humbled to serve in this capacity and have a vision of memorializing the work that has been done before me and expanding services and our footprint in a way that honors everyone who ever had a part in it. 

Thank you for all you have done. Thank you for all you will do. Thank you for being the change you want to see in this world.




Dennise Hill
BHA Executive Director

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From Our Board Chair

Happy New Year! As we embark on a new year full of promise, I am inspired by the incredible progress we’ve made at Brethren Housing Association, thanks to the dedication of our team and the generosity of supporters like you.

This past year, we’ve expanded our programs, reaching more individuals and families through our transitional and affordable housing initiatives. These achievements are a direct result of your trust and support.

As we look ahead, we are committed to growing responsibly by continuing to strengthen our programs, building partnerships within our community, and ensuring sound financial stewardship. Your contributions — whether through time, prayer, expertise, or donations — are vital in helping us create lasting change and ensure that everyone has a safe, stable home.

We invite you to continue this journey with us. Together, we can achieve even greater heights and transform more lives.

Brent Smith, Board Chair of Brethren Housing Association in Harrisburg, PA

Thank you for your ongoing support and belief in our mission.


With gratitude,



Brent Smith
BHA Board of Directors

Permanently Affordable Housing

BHA is creating opportunities for families to live safely in permanent housing they can afford through our Permanently Affordable Housing Program (PAH). This program is for graduates of our transitional housing program, Transitions, who are unable to acquire affordable housing through other housing options in the community due to extenuating circumstances (e.g., rental history, criminal background, credit history).


Our program provides rent or rent-to-own properties that are owned by BHA at an affordable rate. The amount of rent is commensurate to the participant’s income and will never exceed 30%. Participants in PAH work with BHA staff to receive ongoing case management while renting BHA’s property to support them on their continued journey toward independence.

Brethren Housing Association Permanently Affordable Housing's Third House in Harrisburg PA

During FY23-24, BHA opened our third permanently affordable house in Uptown Harrisburg. This property, purchased through a grant from the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, was completely gutted and renovated by students at Dauphin County Technical School. We were thrilled to welcome the students and teachers who worked on the project at the ribbon cutting ceremony, as well as the Transitions graduate who moved into the home later that day.

Dauphin County Technical School Students in front of the Uptowne Harrisburg home they renovated for Brethren Housing Association

Program Report

BHA’s participants come to us with challenges that threaten the safety and stability of their families. Many participants have extensive histories of trauma, come from families affected by generational poverty and systemic racism, and/or have limited experience living in stable, permanent housing — thus making it difficult to provide that to their own children.


During FY23-24, our participant demographics included the following:

high school diploma or higher at intake

have a history of drug and alcohol abuse

have a history of incarceration


have survived domestic violence

have a mental health history

of participants are women

BHA Pie Chart Showing the Races in their Program

62% Black

28% White

8% Bi-racial 

2% American Indian 

Hispanic accounts for 8%

Participants who obtained housing at program exit: 65%

Participants who obtained/maintained employment at program exit: 75%

Participants who maintained or increased income at program exit: 75%

  • 9 participants increased their income

  • 6 participants maintained their income

  • 3 participants decreased their income while in the program due to loss of employment or public benefits

  • 2 participants had no income coming into the program and no income at discharge

Note: Six participants did not engage in the Transitions Program and left the program prior to three months. These individuals were not counted in the above outcomes.

Former participants (FY22-23) who maintained housing for one year after exiting the program: 100%

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Supportive Services

Life Skills Classes offered - 44 classes

Connected participant to entitlement benefits they were not receiving at entry: 100%

i.e. Cash assistance, SNAP, medical insurance, SSI, childcare assistance, etc.

Connected to community resources for their family stability: 100%

i.e. Dress for Success, Diaper Bank, MH counseling, D&A counseling, etc.

Completed a budgeting program while at BHA: 65% 

Note: All families that exited the program were counted in this section including the six participants who did not engage in the program.

Employment Achievement

In FY22-23, 45% of participants obtained or maintained employment at program exit.

In FY23-24, 75% of participants obtained or maintained employment at program exit.

BHA started our Job Club on January 10, 2023 and have seen an increase in the number of participants who have found meaningful employment before program exit. 

Youth Served in Transitions 


number of youth served in Transitions


number of youth who participated in youth program activities


number of youth activities and classes offered

Note: The total number of youth who attended at least one youth program activity is not equal to the number of youth served in the program. Some of the children in the family did not attend because they were older teenagers or were not living full-time on BHA property with the rest of their family.

During FY23-24, BHA held 44 Life Skills classes, up from 28 classes in FY22-23. This increase is directly related to the hiring of our Volunteer Engagement and Youth Coordinator.

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 Permanently Affordable Housing  Program

During FY23-24, our participant demographics included the following:

high school diploma or higher at intake

have a history of drug and alcohol abuse

have a history of incarceration


have survived domestic violence

have a mental health history

of participants are women

Graphic for Race for BHA report

33% White

67% Black 

Hispanic accounts for 33%

Participants who maintained housing for at least one year in the Permanently Affordable Housing Program: 67%

Note: 1 participant in the Permanently Affordable Housing Program was only in the program for one month during FY23-24 so they have not maintained housing for at least one year after graduating from Transitions.



Individuals and Small

Businesses: $349,296

Foundations and

Corporations: $346,386

Member Churches: $29,951

Non-Member Churches: $7,270

Contracts: $327,071


In-Kind Contributions: $73,152

Investment Income (net): $14,271

Special Events (net): $38,029

Program Fees: $25,817

Miscellaneous: $20,648

Total Revenue: $1,231,891

(Dauphin County Children and Youth, Dauphin County Homeless Assistance Program, AmeriHealth Caritas)


Program Services: $930,195

Supporting Services

   Management and

   General: $78,080

   Fundraising: $79,659

Total Expenses: $1,087,934

Volunteer Group posing on Hummel Street in Harrisburg PA in front of the "BHA" sign for Brethren Housing Association

85 cents of every dollar donated to BHA goes directly into providing our programs.

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Our Amazning Volunteers

315 individuals dedicated their time to support BHA! The 2,240 hours donated equated to $75,017.60.

Are you ready to get involved?

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